The National Waste Report for 2022 has been released, covering waste generated and managed in the financial period 2020-21 in Australia.
Considering waste from three source streams:
municipal solid waste (MSW) from households and council operations;
commercial and industrial (C&I) waste; and
construction and demolition (C&D) waste
With two waste management types:
1. pathways, which comprise interim steps on the way to the end destination of the material - short-term storage, stockpiling, treatment, sorting, processing and export
2. waste fates or end destinations, which are categorised into waste reuse, recycling, energy recovery, long-term storage and disposal
The report is broken into chapters covering;
Progress against the targets in the National Waste Policy Action Plan
Waste generated in Australia in 2020–21 and the trends since 2006–07
Efforts to prevent or avoid waste generation in Australia in 2020–21
Quantities of waste materials reused and processed for recycling
Core waste materials used for their energy value in Australia in 2020–21
Quantities of core waste plus ash materials disposed of in Australia in 2020–21. Disposal means allocation to a fate in which no use is made of the waste
Assessment and comparison of resource recovery rates for the states and territories
Status and trends of particular waste materials
Comparisons between Australia’s waste generation, recovery and fates and those of other countries
The role of states and territories and then local governments
Overview of the waste and resource recovery sector, its services and infrastructure
Liquid waste management
Current and emerging challenges
Read the full report here
Thanks to Blue Environment and The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for preparing the 2022 report.